Levels in Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Bhargav Joshi


Basically, there is a total of seven independent levels to understand and extract the meaning from a text.

1. Phonology Level

  • At this level basically, it deals with pronunciation.
  • It deals with the interpretation of speech sound across words

2. Morphological Level

  • It deals with the smallest words that convey meaning and suffixes and prefixes.
  • Morphemes mean studying the words that are built from smaller meanings.
  • E.g So the rabbit word has single morphemes while the rabbits have two morphemes.
  • The ‘s’ denotes the singular and plural concepts.

3. Lexical Level

  • This deals with the study at the level of words with respect to their lexical meaning and Part of speech (POS)
  • It uses the lexicon that is collection of lexemes.
  • A Lexeme is a basic unit of lexical meaning which is an abstract unit of morphological analysis

4. Syntactic Level

  • This level deals with the grammar and structure pf sentences
  • It studies the proper relationships between the words.
  • The POS tagging output of lexical analysis can be used at the syntactic level of two group words into the phrase and clause brackets.

5. Semantics Level

  • This level deals with the meaning of words and sentences
  • There are different two approaches :
  • 1) Syntax driven semantic analysis
  • 2) Semantic grammer
  • Its a study of meaning of words that are associated with grammatical structure.

6. Disclosure Level

  • This level deals with the structure of different kinds of text.
  • There are 2 types of discourse :
  • 1) Anaphora resolution
  • 2) Discourse/ text structure recognition
  • Words are replaced in anaphora resolution.

7. Pragmatic Level

  • This level deals with the use real world knowledge and understanding of how this influences the meaning of what is being communicated.
  • Pragmatics identifies the meaning of words and phrases based on how language is used to communicate.

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